Body Positive Boudoir Photo Shoot with YARN

creative boudoir photos with yarn

“I have always had a love/hate relationship with my body and after some recent weight gain, it is really hard to love it.

I think a bud out session (body positive boudoir) would really help me on my self love journey-

and my therapist agrees.”

This isn’t the first time I’ve had a therapist either recommend a body positive boudoir experience or highly encourage it when our mutual client has brought it up. Hell, I’ve even had one recommend that I do it myself in the past.

Body image is so much more than just how your body looks. Often, we see ourselves through a distorted lens of body dysmorphia fueled by non-representation of diverse bodies in mainstream media, repressed feelings of negative self worth, and an overwhelming feeling of generally not being good enough just as we are.

I have good news and I have bad news: The bad news is that changing your body won’t help you develop a better body image. The good news is that changing your mindset to be more body positive WILL.

Angella has been working on that and over the years has developed a mindset of, “If people don’t like my face, that’s their problem.” Now she was ready for a body positive boudoir experience to help solidify the same feeling about her body.

“It’s time for me to pour as much love and appreciation into myself as I do others.

I have always felt unphotogenic and have a history of some pretty terrible photos of me –

(it’s) time to see myself in a different light!

Check out the photos below to inspire your own body positivity photoshoot ideas (are you a yarn crafter/hobbyist as well?!) and to hear more about Angella’s experience with Kansas City body positive boudoir photographer WMNKND.

body positive photo shoot in leavenworth ks

Why were you interested in body positive boudoir photography? 

I have always had a poor body image of myself as long as I can remember. Growing up I was called ‘string bean, giraffe’, told my hair needed brushed, family commenting on zits – no one ever gave me a chance to feel comfortable in my skin.

And at 42, that needed to change because it doesn’t matter what other people think especially after gaining 40 lbs in the last year.

queer body positive boudoir photos with yarn hobbyist
body positivity photoshoot ideas queer woman with pink hair

What were your biggest concerns about your body positive photoshoot?

That zero pictures would look good because I’ve been called unphotogenic my whole life.

body positive boudoir photographer in kansas city mo
body positive boudoir photography for mature women

Ultimately, why did you choose WMNKND Boudoir?

When I saw the pictures on your website and that they were women of all shapes and sizes, I felt like this was the place for me.

body positive boudoir photos with cellulite
joyful body positive boudoir photos with handmade cardigan

Describe your personal experience working with the WMNKND team, please.

This experience was truly life changing. Mik and Kelsey helped me learn to love my body in 4 hours in a way that I haven’t in my entire life.

Every roll, every dimple, every inch of skin is mine and something to celebrate.

body positivity photoshoot ideas without lingerie

Has anything changed since your body positive boudoir photo session? 

I feel more confident and beautiful and am so very grateful.

body positive boudoir ideas with yarn
body positivity photoshoot ideas with yarn

Any advice for others considering their own body positive boudoir session? 

Don’t get in your own way and try to be one with your body during (your body positive photoshoot).

body positivity photoshoot ideas by kansas city boudoir photographer wmnknd
body positivity photoshoot ideas with plants

Are you looking for more inspiration or body positivity photoshoot ideas for your own body positive boudoir experience with WMNKND? Check out the rest of our blog for more client features and body acceptance content!

Ready to start personalizing your own body positive boudoir experience and see your body the way you deserve? Reach out to our empowerment team today to schedule a free pre session consultation.

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Ready to start planning your day of empowerment?

Our client experience coordinator will answer all your questions as well as schedule and begin personalizing your very own self love boudoir experience. 

Schedule your pre session consult today. 

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