For many women, the thought of a boudoir photo session is intimidating. There are so many unknowns, and you worry that you’ll feel awkward and uncomfortable.
I mean….you find yourself worrying about how you look in everyday photos! Never mind ones where you’re basically nude, trying to express some level of sex appeal in front of a stranger!
How are you expected to feel confident and sexy?
What if I told you that ALL of my clients express those same fears? And that I, too, struggle with insecurities (don’t we all?)
So, take a deep breath, relax and embrace those fears! Because girl, I’ve got you.
I’m here to help you celebrate every part of you – mind, body, and soul. And when you step in front of my camera, you can be assured that you’ll be more than able to rock a boudoir shoot.
With the right photographer and a little bit of inspiration and posing guidance, you’ll experience an exhilarating boudoir photography session that leaves you feeling strong, sexy, and a force to be reckoned with.
To get you started, here are some tips, tricks, and inspiration to help you prepare for your boudoir photo session.

Chin Up, Darling
Holding your chin up a little higher, just a few degrees, and positioning your head slightly away from the camera will elongate your neck and smooth out any wrinkles or folds in the skin. This pose works whether the photographer is shooting straight on or from a low angle. With your chin tilted upward, you can focus your eyes down at the lens or at a point just above the camera.

Get Cheeky
It doesn’t matter what size your booty actually is; there are ways to get a rounder booty look. One common trick is to bring your panties up a little higher on the sides of your hips. This not only makes your cheeks look as plump as a peach, but it also lengthens the look of your thighs when you’re standing.

Create a Curve
You would be amazed at how easy it is to create flattering curves simply by arching your back—even just a little. You can also elongate the body and create sexy shapes by pointing your toes, sticking out your booty, and keeping your shoulders down and posture tall (when standing and sitting, of course).

Relax Your Face
When we’re nervous, we tend to tense up, and this tension can show up on our faces through pursed lips and squinting eyebrows. If I see this happening, I’ll remind you to part your lips slightly and relax your eyebrows.

Know Your Angles
Here’s something to keep in mind: whatever is closest to the camera will appear larger. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing! It’s just something to be mindful of. And don’t worry about figuring out what your best angles are before you book a session. You may already have an idea just from looking at other photos of yourself, but even if you’re completely clueless, it’s okay. We’ll explore your angles together, and we’ll find the ones that flatter you the most!

I know it’s easier said than done, but I’m going to say it anyway…
Relax. Breathe. Loosen up. And have a good time! Because the more comfortable you are, the better your photos turn out.
You might find it helpful to connect to your body before you start your boudoir session. You can do this by stretching, dancing, or whatever type of exercise or bodywork feels good to you and helps you feel more connected to yourself. See if you can “lose” your mind a little bit and move into your body a little more.

Embrace Yourself
You haven’t lost those last 10 pounds? Have some stretch marks? Not sure you can wear five-inch heels? Great! Let’s celebrate who you are – not some photoshopped version.
Whatever your body shape and whatever flaws you think you have, I want you to embrace them. It doesn’t matter what society deems as beautiful or whether or not you feel like you can flirt with the camera because boudoir photography isn’t about fitting into some mold. It’s about showcasing the real you and what makes you uniquely beautiful.
I understand that this kind of experience is out of most people’s comfort zones, so if you choose to book a session with me, be proud of yourself for taking the leap and investing in yourself.
Then rest easy, knowing that my goal is to help you appreciate and love every part of you. And I’ll do my best to help you feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera every step of the way.