I do not need to find the fault in things I cannot change.
I accept that there is gray areas in the world.
I do not always have to be right and perfect.
I accept that there are multiple truths.
It’s okay to make mistakes. That is the only way to learn and grow.
I do not have to earn love from others.
I am loved.
I can put my needs first.
I do not have to help everyone.
I do not need other’s approval.
I do not have to accomplish something to be valuable.
It’s okay to make mistakes. That is the only way to learn and grow.
It don’t need others approval.
I have worth outside of my work.
I have so much to offer the world and my relationships.
There is nothing wrong with me.
My emotions are not facts.
I am fully present in my life and my relationships.
I am unique and others love me for who I am.
I am desirable, intuitive, and whole.
I am confident and competent.
My energy is renewable.
I engage and participate in life, rather than just observing it.
I enrich others’ lives by sharing my knowledge and insights.
I acknowledge the importance of change and adapt well to it.
I am safe and at peace.
I live in the present and will not worry about future things that may not occur.
I trust myself and my instincts.
I am playful and fun.
I trust that all of my needs will be met.
I am grateful for every moment of my life.
I am focused and capable of finishing tasks.
I do not have to fear missing out.
I can be happy by just being.
I am abundant.
I allow feelings of vulnerability.
I accept that others may not always agree with me but that does not mean they are against me.
I use my strength and power to advocate for others.
I forgive easily.
I am in control of my future.
My existence is important and meaningful.
I am my own unique person.
I am a powerful healing and mediating force.
I stand up for what I believe in.
My voice matters.