Boudoir photos can be pretty intimate in nature and you may be wondering, “where do I print boudoir photos after my session?”
You want a better quality than you can print at home but the consumer print labs in your area (Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, etc) aren’t much better and you don’t really want your local high school kid seeing your nudes. There’s mpix and shutterfly but are those any better? Do they value privacy? Will your photos be too yellow or green or grainy?
Let me put all of those worries to rest right now: I’ve got you covered.
When considering products for my clients, I wanted to make sure you have access to prints that are:
- Luxury quality
- Variety in options
- Local
- Appreciate privacy
And I found a local and professional print lab to partner with right here in Missouri. They support photographers nation-wide and have a deep respect for privacy and the intimate nature when they print your boudoir photos. Their customer service is fantastic and they pride themselves on the quality of their products. They carry a large variety allowing WMNKND to offer boudoir album options in leather, linen, and velvet covers, glass legacy photo boxes, vivid metal wall prints, and polaroid look-a-like prints. Another bonus? Quick turnaround and shipping because they’re essentially right down the road!
So to answer your question: with WMNKND, you don’t have to worry about where to print your photos. Come to the studio, get pampered, and pick the photos you want to cherish forever. We’ll take care of everything else. The products we offer are professional grade quality and aren’t accessible to consumers. These boudoir albums, prints, and wall displays will last a lifetime. I want you to still have these photos when you’re 80 years old. And when your grandkids find them one day, you can recreate the scene from Titanic and say “Oh yes, the woman in the picture is me.”
Are you ready to start planning your own boudoir experience and receive your own beautiful art to remind you of your worth and power? Book a consultation to chat more!